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  • Writer's picturePastor Swish

The Importance of Accountability

I got a text message this morning from a good friend. He and I have known each other for several years. When I moved to Greenwood back in 2012, he invited me to join his Monday morning accountability group with a couple other people that I knew, and for five years, we met almost every week to talk about life, ministry and whatever else was going on. We shared some good times together and walked with one another through some difficult times.

The text itself was rather silly. And that's what I miss about this group. Somebody would say something without thinking about it, and the rest of us would bust some chops for the rest of the morning... and sometimes for longer. It is a group that genuinely cares for one another, prays for one another, and tries to be there for one another as much as possible.

I met with a similar group when I was in seminary. It wasn't just the seminary background or the fact that we were all going into some kind of ministry that made it such a significant time. It was the fact that we knew that we were in it together. For a lot of our time together, we met at 6:00 in the morning - that's how committed we were to one another. We would hold each other accountable to certain commitments that we made to the group. We would talk about Scripture, and what God was doing in our lives. And we would pray together. I saw without hesitation that it was the the time in my life where I saw the most spiritual growth.

Accountability groups are critical to our spiritual development. If you've never been part of one, I would highly recommend it. As a United Methodist, I can say without a doubt that it is a significant part of our spiritual heritage; one that we have lost in our contemporary circles.

If you've never been a part of an accountability group, I would highly encourage you to consider forming one with a close group of friends. Make some commitments to one another on things that will help with your spiritual growth, and be intentional about meeting on a regular basis. I promise you this: it's an investment that will produce a significant return, and it will be well worth your time.

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