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  • Writer's picturePastor Swish

Laughter and Joy

As I write this blog tonight, it's been a rough... well... week, and I realize it's only Wednesday evening.

There's been a lot of really good stuff going on. It's just been a lot. And this homebody hasn't been home very much.

We had a great time with friends on Saturday evening. Worship on Sunday morning went really well. Sunday afternoon/evening, we made a quick trip to Indy to see family. The drive home was rough. We left just as the snow started to fall (again), and what is normally a two-hour drive turned into four. Because of the snow, the office was closed Monday, but I still had a meeting Monday night. That meant Tuesday needed to be a big focus day - it wasn't. Katie is out of town today, so I have been home with the kids since they don't go to day care on Wednesdays. Today has mostly been spent telling Hannah to pick up after herself or getting her to stop picking on her brother. It's been stressful, crazy and busy. But...

As I'm writing this, Hannah and Henry are playing with each other. There are a lot of hugs, giggles and full-on belly laughs happening. And, suddenly, all the crazy has melted away. Joy fills the air.

I'm reminded of the Scripture from Psalm 30:5, which says, "Weeping may tarry for the night, but joy comes in the morning." There are seasons in life. There are times when the insanity seems to take over. There are times when it seems like life is nothing but stress. But there is also joy. An overarching sense of joy that surpasses everything.

As disciples of Jesus Christ, we should be people of joy. Our lives should not be defined by the stress, the crazy times or sorrow, but by our relationship to Jesus Christ. That is where joy is found.

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